Trainee Representative (ST1-3)

I’m an ST2/ST3 Paediatrics Trainee in Kent Surrey and Sussex. I am very passionate about General Paediatrics. I feel that it is such a rich and rewarding specialty in its diversity and I feel very proud to work with this amazing team of executives to improve the future of General Paediatrics.
My priorities as Trainee Rep for BAGP include increasing the visibility of General Paediatrics among Paediatrics trainees as a distinct specialty and to support those who wish to have a career in it. This includes speaking up for trainees with interest in general paediatrics and advocating that our training reflects our views. I am also keen to facilitate events like study days in general paediatrics as well as intervene in issues of welfare.
If you have any queries or ideas about the general Paediatrics curriculum and how we can improve training for general paediatricians please reach out to me anytime and I am more than happy to discuss this, support you and push your brilliant ideas forward for a better training for all paediatricians.